Saturday, August 11, 2018

Computer Graphics

5B12CSC - E02
Computer Graphics

Contact Hours/ Week : Theory : 4 Credit : 4

Module I
Introduction, Overview of Graphics Systems, Display devices, Input devices,Hard-Copy devices, Graphics software.

Module II
Line Drawing Algorithms-DDA, Bresenham, Circle Generating Algorithm –Midpoint Algorithm, Area filling algorithms – Flood Fill and Boundary Fill algorithms.

Module III
Output primitives-Color and Grayscale levels, 2D Transformations-Translation,Rotation, Scaling, Reflection, Shear, Matrix Representation and Homogenous Coordinates, Composite Transformations.

Module IV
Two Dimensional viewing, Window-to-viewport Transformation, Clipping - Point Clipping, Line Clipping – Cohen Sutherland Algorithm, Polygon Clipping – Sutherland Hodgeman Algorithm, Text clipping.

Module V
3D object representations-Polygon surfaces, Polygon tables, Plane equations, Polygon Meshes, 3D transformations-Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Rotation about an arbitrary axis, Reflection, Shear, 3D viewing- Parallel Projection, Perspective Projection.

Text Book
1. Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics-C Version”, Second Edition,
Pearson Education, 2005.

1. Foley, Vandam, Feiner, Huges, ”Computer Graphics: Principles & Practice”, 2nd edition in C, Pearson Education, 2005
2. Ranjan Parekh, “Principles of Multimedia”, ,Tata McgrawHill,2006
3. D.P. Mukherjee, “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics and Multimedia”, PHI.
4. “Procedural elements of Computer Graphics”, Rogers, Mc-Graw Hill.

Linux Administration

Linux Administration
Contact Hours / Week: Theory: 3 Practical: 2 Credit: 3

To familiarize Linux working environment and system administration .

1. Introduce Linux working environment
2. Understand how install and configure Linux
3. Learn how to write shell scripts
4. Learn the architecture of Linux kernel and how resources are managed in Linux

Module I
Features and benefits of Linux- basic concepts of multi user system-open source,freedom-Linux-components of Linux, types of users in Linux, types of files. Introductionlogin,password, creating an account, shell and commands, logout,changing passwordfiles and directories-pathname-directory tree-currend working directory-referring home directory-cbeating new directories,copying files,moving files,deleting files and directoriestypesof shell-wild cards-hidden files- looking at files: cat, more-online help:man.

Module II
Vi editor-different modes-command mode, insert mode, last line mode- redirecting input/output-filter, pipes, file permissions, user, group, changing file permissions -mounting floppy,HDD, CDROM-file systems-structure of /etc/fstab- Bourne shell scripts:script execution-variables and parameters, if, for, case, while constructs.

Module III
Linux Administration: Introduction-various parts of the OS-kernel, system program, application program, system calls-important parts of the kernel Boot procesS:booting-LILO boot process,/edc/lilo.conf, GRUB, /etc/grub.conf-runlevelsGUI,X windowsrc files, startup scripts.

Module IV
Major services in linux system : init,/etc/inittab file -login from terminal3, syslogperiodic command execution: at and cron, crontab file System configuration files:/etc/sysconfig/.....files,keyboard,mouse etc System security: password,/etc/passwd file-shadow password,/etc/shadow-file permissions, chmod and umask-adding and deleting users-host security, tcp wrappers,/etc/host.allow, /etc/host.deny.

Module V
System Maintance: tmpwatch-logrotate-basic system backup and restore operation-Basic shell configuration for bourne and bash shell : /etc/profile,~/.bashrc,~/.bash_profile. Linux Installalation :Partitioning, MBR, SWAP, filesystem managing-different packages, rpm-installation of packages-starting and stopping different services.

Text Book
Unix Shell Programming, Yeshwanth kanethkar

1. Unix in a nutshell,by Daniel Gilly, O’Reilly & Associates
2. Linux Administration handbook, Nemeth, PHI
3. Essential System Administration, O’reilly & Associates.
4. Red Hat linux Bible.
5. A user guide to the unix system, Thomas,Yates Tata McGraw Hill

Model Question Paper

5B11CSC Linux Administration
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 40

1. One Word Answer 0 .5X8=4 Marks
a. The command used to rename a file in Linux is _________
b. What is the PID of the Kernel process?
c. The default run level with GUI in Linux is_______
d. ______ process is termed as the parent of all process in Linux
e. GRUB stands for______________.
f. Name the directory that storer system configuration files in Linux
g. The GUI of Linux is termed as________________.
h. ________command is used to switch one runlvel to another
Write short notes on ANY SEVEN of the following questions (7 x 2 = 14 marks)
2. What are the procedure for adding new users in Linux
3. Write a note on X window system
4. How shadow password provides additional security ti Linux users?
5. What are the contents of /etc/grub.conf file?
6. Explain the output of ls –l command.
7. How to schedule a job using cron.
8. Explain system log messages
9. How to compress a file in Linux?
10. How to manage process in Linux using ps command?
11. Write a note on shell configuration files
Answer ANY FOUR of the following questions (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
12. Write a shell program to find whether a number is odd or even
13. What are run levels?. Explain briefly
14. What are the seven types of files supported by Linux OS.
15. How the host based security is achieved in Linux
16. Write a note on kernel module management
17. How to mount and unmount file systems in Linux

Write an essay on ANY TWO of the following questions (2 x 5 = 10 marks)
18. What are the features of Linux Operating system
19. Explain briefly how the back up and restore operations can be done in Linux.
20. What are the basic permissions available to files in Linux? How to set that using
Linux? How we can change that permissions?
21. Explain briefly the steps in installing Linux OS

One Word Type Questions

1. Heart of the linux is ___________
2. _____ option of ls command list all files including hidden files
3. Hidden file name starts with _______
4. grep stands for _________
5. head display ________ few lines of the given file
6. tail display _________few lines of the given file
7. _________command is used to create a new directory
8. _________command create empty files
9. vi stands for ___________
10. vim stands for ____________
11. To copy a file use _________command
12. To rename a file use ________ command
13. pwd stands for _________
14. ____________ command create a new user
15. su stands for ____________
16. To delete a file use ________command
17. ugo stands for ___________
18. __________ is used to change the file permission
19. To change the directory use _________ command
20. Home directory of a user is placed in ________

Short answer type Questions

1. What you mean by wild cards?
2. Explain linux architecture
3. What is a kernel?
4. What are the features of linux
5. Explain rm command
6. Explain ls command
7. What you mean by shell
8. What are the filter commands
9. Explain grep
10. Explain vi
11. Explain cat command
12. Explain wc command
13. Explain pipe

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